ソニーグループ品川本社 1F
クライアントより、本社機能の1階として改めてエントランス機能を考えたい、というリクエストを受け、ソニーグループ品川本社 PORTの後にご縁をいただいたプロジェクトである。
We were in charge of the renovation and interior design of the first floor of the Sony Group’s Shinagawa Headquarters located in front of Shinagawa Station. The entrance area of the Shinagawa Headquarters was designed in 2007 and was a space with a rather simple and robust atmosphere that used a lot of high-quality and hard materials.
We received a request from the client that they wanted to rethink the entrance function on the first floor of the headquarters; they got in touch with us after our work on the Sony Group Shinagawa Headquarters PORT project.
この建築の良さ、現在の機能を壊すことなく、本社としての「 顔 」であるとともに、社員が多様に「 働く場所 」であること。それが結果として本社を訪れた外部の人にとっても「 居心地の良い場所 」となることを目指した。
素材についても、建築との調和を念頭におきながら、什器家具の「色味トーン」を調整し、 空間全体の印象を整えていった。結果ミーティングエリアにあるチェア、デスク、ライト等什器を含めた家具等はオリジナルで製作した。そのことによって家具からの空間に対してのアプローチも行うことができたと思う。
The space should serve as the company’s face and a place where employees can work in diverse ways without destroying the building’s good qualities. In addition, we aimed to make the head office a comfortable environment for visitors.
We considered flow lines and areas where people could find their way around the space while feeling the excitement of having visited the Sony Group Headquarters from the archive of Sony products and the exhibition space for current products.
As for the materials, we adjusted the color tone of the fixtures and furniture while harmonizing them with the architecture and adjusted the overall impression of the space. The furniture, including fixtures such as chairs, desks, and lights, in the meeting area, were produced specifically for this project. This allowed us to approach the space from the point of view of the furniture as well.
竣工写真:Daici Ano
Construction: Itoki Market Space
Use: Office
Total floor area: 1537㎡
Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo
Completion: March 2019
Photo: Daici Ano