東京の原宿を拠点に2016年に設立された、朔 永吉と前嶋 章太郎の共同主宰による建築設計事務所。
住宅や商業施設などの建築設計をはじめ、オフィス・店舗等の内装設計、 展覧会の会場構成、プロダクトデザインなど、コラボレーションを大切にプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。
SAKUMAESHIMA is an architectural design office based in Harajuku, Tokyo, co-directed by Eikichi Saku and Shotaro Maeshima and established in 2016. Valuing collaboration, SAKUMAESHIMA works on various projects, such as the architectural design of residential and commercial facilities, the interior design of offices and stores, exhibition venue composition and, product design, etc.
We believe it is important to make subtractions in terms of design while utilizing what already exists. We aim to maximize value by eliminating unnecessary elements. While respecting each project’s background, environment, and story, we engage in repeated dialogues and design.
朔 永吉Eikichi Saku
Eikichi Saku
Born in Nagasaki Prefecture in 1982, Saku graduated from the Department of Architecture, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University. After completing a master’s degree in architecture at the same university, he worked at TORAFU ARCHITECTS before establishing SAKUMAESHIMA in 2016.
前嶋 章太郎 Shotaro Maeshima
Shotaro Maeshima
Born in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1985, Maeshima graduated from the Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering at the Musashi Institute of Technology (currently Tokyo City University). After completing a master’s degree in architecture at the same university, he worked at Shinichi Ogawa & Associates before establishing SAKUMAESHIMA in 2016.